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On Campus
Academics / School of Science, Technology and Health / 计算机科学-网页设计


你是否有一个喜欢的网站,你经常访问它来获取新闻、研究、购物或娱乐? A web designer was responsible for providing you with that information by designing, building and implementing technical applications to create the website. 博彩平台推荐的网页设计课程将教你如何使用技术以富有成效的方式将消费者和企业联系起来. You’ll hone your design and technical abilities. You’ll thrive in a creative and fulfilling career.

Learn more about our Computer Science program.

TU的网页设计课程旨在为学生提供实用的知识和技能,为台式电脑和移动设备(如手机和平板电脑)构建强大的网站和web应用程序. 该计划旨在培养具有较强用户体验和视觉设计技能的学生, 市场营销和规划. 学生将学习遵循行业协议和使用现代编程语言, database structures and frameworks to create, deploy and maintain websites and applications.

学生将有机会获得一系列行业认证,包括MCSA: Web应用(微软认证). 这近20项认证, partnered with a degree in computer science, will give you a clear competitive advantage when it comes to job placement.

  • 与具有多年行业领导和经验的教授一起学习.
  • 在先进的计算机科学实验室工作,拥有最新的软件环境和设备.
  • Acquire skills that will be vital in a variety of technical and non-technical roles.
  • You’ll complete a required professional internship, and the opportunities in the field for internships are abundant.
  • TU商学院获得了商学院和课程认证委员会(ACBSP)的认证。.

This is a program that will prepare you in every way for the IT world. You’ll study with knowledgeable professors who bring years of IT experience. An industry-informed curriculum will prepare you to take industry certifications, 课程中有哪些内容. And, along with computer and web design concepts, you’ll learn the basic skills of communication, organization, 批判性思维和团队合作——这些软技能对任何IT专业人员的成功都至关重要.

Additionally, Tiffin is an Amazon Web Services Academy, 使我们能够提供云计算课程,为您追求行业认可的认证和需求的云工作做好准备. 该课程处于AWS云创新的最前沿,将为您提供在增长最快的行业之一找到工作所需的技能.

  • Industry certifications are built into course work and you will be prepared for:
    • Excel
    • Microsoft Client
    • Network +
    • Security+
    • Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)
    • 软件测试认证助理(CAST)或软件质量认证助理
    • HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals
    • Introduction to Programming Using Python
    • 访问专家
    • c#编程
    • A+ Certification
    • Server+/Microsoft Server 2016
    • Linux+或RedHat认证
    • ICDN1
    • ICDN2
    • 云+ /微软云
    • Linux +
    • AWS Cloud
  • Tiffin is an Amazon Web Services Academy, 使我们能够提供云计算课程,为您追求行业认可的认证和需求的云工作做好准备.
  • 博彩平台推荐是认证授权考试中心和Pearson Vue考试中心, enabling you to take most of the certification exams right on campus.

在网页设计专业, 你会在实践中学习, as you combine web design concepts with hands-on practice. 我们的大部分课程都是实践性的,你将在课堂学习的基础上积极地完成项目. You’ll work with the same equipment and software that is utilized in the industry. 你将参加150小时的专业实习,获得宝贵的行业经验. You’ll see firsthand the industry at work through field trip visits. 而且,你会听到来自有成就的IT专业人士,他们访问我们的校园,谈论当前的话题.

  • 在网络课堂上,你将参与基于项目的学习,使用真实的设备和软件.
  • In your second-to-last course of the program, CST460计算机科学研究, you’ll focus on a project through the term, encompassing all areas of course work and putting knowledge into practice.
  • 在最后的过程中, CST470实习, 你将在一个组织内从事至少150小时的专业工作,获得实践经验,并了解在这个行业工作的生活是什么样的.
  • 与当地社区合作的实际IT项目有时被纳入课程作业.
  • 俱乐部和组织-如博彩平台推荐计算机协会学生分会, or what we call Technology Club – offer insights into real-world learning.


Computer Science Core (3 hours per course, 48 hours Total)
  • MKT151入门营销
  • CST155 Introduction to Operating Systems
  • ACC210财务会计
  • MGT201组织管理
  • CST201编程入门
  • 法律211商业法
  • 微观经济学原理
  • CST230网络基础
  • CDS244网络安全
  • 数据库1
  • CST285电子表格和分析
  • FIN301企业财务
  • CST412 IT项目管理
  • CST460计算机科学研究
  • CST470实习
  • MGT495组织战略
Concentration: Web Design (3 hours per course, 21 hours total)
  • ART325平面设计
  • CST255互联网和网站开发
  • DMD320网页设计
  • DMD134数字媒体导论
  • WDM I User Experience I – Understanding the User Experience (RIZE)
  • WDM II User Experience II – Building Compelling User Experience (RIZE)
  • WDM III User Experience III – Capstone Project – Goal Oriented Web Design (RIZE)
总BS小时= 127-135

This is a sample course sequence to illustrate course offerings for this major. 有关详细的注册和咨询信息,请咨询官方学术公报.


数字媒体概论(DMD 134) – This course will provide an overview of digital media design. Students will gain introductory skills in photography, video production, and multimedia as they relate to visual problem solving. 此外,学生将探索数字媒体设计领域的潜在职业.

互联网及网页设计(CST 255) -涵盖的主题是互联网及其组成部分,如万维网和网站开发. 学生将学习使用当前的工具(如notepad++)或其他开发环境以及HTML等语言创建网站, JavaScript, 以及互联网的CSS, 内部网和外联网. 本课程将使学生有资格通过微软公司参加微软98- 375 HTML5应用程序开发基础认证考试,以获得微软技术助理(MTA)认证或其他可比认证.

网页设计(DMD 320) 在这门课程中,学生将开发一个功能齐全的电子作品集网站,在这个网站上,他们在数字媒体设计项目中的作品将向潜在的雇主展示. Building upon web design skills from CIS 201 and CIS 255, students will make decisions related to layout, functionality, 可访问性和托管.

平面设计(ART 325) -本课程将探讨使用数字设计工具的视觉感知机制. Focus will be on the formal properties of design including space, line, plane, mass, shape, texture, and color; and the organizational fundamentals of unity, balance, rhythm, and movement. 学生将准备和制作一系列与专业实践相关的数字设计项目. 重点将放在沟通思想所需的规划和视觉思维原则上. Problem solving on an individual and group level will be stressed.


On Campus – Offered in a 15-week semester format with start dates of January and August


All Computer Science concentrations offered:

Employment of web designers is projected to increase as e-commerce continues to grow. 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局, 从2018年到2028年,网页设计师的工作岗位的增长速度将超过全国平均水平的200%. Web designers can work in many different areas. 他们可以是个体经营者,在大中型组织工作或从事咨询工作. 这个领域可以局限于基础设计,也可以扩展到营销、广告和出版领域.

  • 应用程序开发人员
  • 多媒体的程序员
  • 多媒体专业
  • 技术项目/项目经理
  • UX designer
  • UX researcher
  • 网络管理员
  • Web Designer
  • Web Developer
  • Cooper Tire
  • First Energy
  • Marathon
  • Webster
  • 当地学区



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“当涉及到新事物时,任何人的头脑中都会有一点怀疑. 但对我来说,我认为证明那些说我做不到的人是错的是我最大的动力. There’s really nothing that seems impossible to me anymore. 世界在不断变化,与我第一次走进TU校园时相比,我觉得我现在更有能力适应这些变化.”

Alexandra Tozzie
Class of 2018
To truly stand out, we must not feel compelled to fit in.