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Bachelor of Business Administration

体育管理 – Sports 市场营销

学者 / 商学院 / 体育管理 – Sports 市场营销


Sports are loved around the world, attracting millions of fans, attendees and buyers. For any sports-related organization, 有一个有效的体育营销策略来建立品牌知名度是非常必要的, enhance customer loyalty and generate revenue. 博彩平台推荐的体育管理工商管理硕士(体育营销方向)将帮助你发展管理, 市场营销和商业技能,你需要在令人兴奋的市场中创造制胜战略和成功的活动, opportunity-filled sports 市场营销 industry. 

体育管理-体育营销工商管理硕士课程旨在为您提供启动或加强体育商业生涯所需的管理和营销基础知识. You’ll take a variety of courses covering all aspects of sports 市场营销, taught by faculty who bring years of industry experience. You’ll gain practical insights into the world of sports 市场营销, as well as professional connections – all part of a hands-on, real-world sports 市场营销 education.

  • You’ll study with professors who bring years of industry experience, having worked in a variety of athletic administrative roles including athletic director, 市场营销, 筹款, NCAA合规, facility 管理 and advising, 作为全球和校际体育管理方面的权威人士,他还从事国际工作.
  • 博彩平台推荐是世界上为数不多的在奥运会期间协调学术经验的体育管理项目之一. 自2004年以来, our students have traveled to the Games to interact with Olympians, 国际奥委会成员, 以及与主办城市组委会和国际体育商务会议有关的主管.
  • 体育营销专业的学生可以在全国范围内接触到与博彩平台推荐有联系的体育专业人士. These relationships make possible invaluable mentorships, 实习, professional connections and even job opportunities.
  • Our program has a strategic partnership with the MLB 克利夫兰监护人 (formerly Indians), NBA底特律活塞队, MiLB Toledo泥浆母鸡, and the Toledo Walleye hockey organization. Students are able to interact with team administrators, 获得实用, hands-on training and experience.
  • 我们的体育管理咨询委员会由体育界的校友和从业人员组成,他们为当前的趋势提供意见, 确保获得相关课程的见解和实习等体验式学习机会, practicums and mentorships.
  • On a national standardized test by Peregrine, 在市场营销领域, Tiffin business students scored on average 8.7 percentage points higher as compared with students from other ACBSP schools.

这种加速课程可以让你同时获得工商管理硕士和工商管理硕士学位, giving you the ability to earn a bachelor’s and master’s in just five years, saving you both time and money. Learn about our MBA programs.

Linking industry knowledge to professional practice, 我们的学位课程提供了一个真实的体育管理教育,为渴望在体育事业中工作和发展的TU学生提供指导和机会.

A Professional Program Taught by Professionals

Various courses in the program are taught by professionals in the field, including a certified NBA sports agent, President of the National Olympians Association in Sierra Leone, former Director of Media Relations for the Boston Celtics, 销售协调员 for the Atlanta Braves and others.


TU students have interned with myriad sports organizations, including pro franchises such as the Cleveland Browns, 匹兹堡钢人队, 田纳西泰坦, 水牛城比尔, 密尔沃基酿酒人, St. Louis Cardinals, Atlanta Braves, Indiana Pacers, Philadelphia Force and Indiana Fever. 我们的学生已经在全国各地的大学体育部门获得了实习机会-从维克森林大学, to the University of Notre Dame, 博伊西州立大学. 和, they’ve interned in nearly every area of sport such as the NCAA Final Four, 美巡赛赛事, professional tennis tour events, Cleveland Sports Commission, Tampa Bay Sports Commission, 糖碗, ESPN, Women’s Sports Foundation, LRMR (LeBron James) 市场营销 Company, CCTV Sports Network and many others.

体育管理 Advisory Council

我们的体育管理部门将校友和行业专业人士聚集在一个咨询委员会, which provides invaluable professional insights and guidance to all areas of our program. The council includes a sport lawyer from Harvard who practices in Washington DC and China; a five-time Olympian from Puerto Rico with extensive executive experience with national 政府erning bodies of sport; an associate strength and conditioning coach with the Green Bay Packers, 还有一位来自罗马尼亚的奥运选手,他是亨茨维尔阿拉巴马大学的运动学教授. The council also currently includes five alumni who work with the MLB Guardians (ex-Indians), NFL匹兹堡钢人队; eBay, MiLB路易斯维尔蝙蝠, 密歇根州立大学(力量和体能),并与金字塔体育娱乐公司作为NFL经纪人. 行业专业人士和校友发出了2022年的邀请,其中包括NFL印第安纳波利斯小马队的球探和AAA路易斯维尔蝙蝠队的运营副总裁.

在体育管理-体育营销课程中,您将以最好的方式发展职业技能-通过实践. As part of a professional, 实践教育, you’ll apply learning and gain valuable experience as you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Complete an internship and field experience – both are required
  • Collaborate on and present major projects – most courses incorporate them
  • Analyze sport case studies
  • 在角色扮演场景中担任体育会议专员或专业体育场馆的营销经理.
  • 参加一个团队课堂项目,在这个项目中,你将与来自南佛罗里达体育管理项目的小组成员进行虚拟工作.
  • 继续研究体育分析这一新兴领域——该专业需要这方面的课程
  • Receive hands-on training in game operations
  • Serve as a sales associate for a professional sport team
  • Serve on committees for leadership development program
  • Attend sport business conferences
  • 设计 campaigns for rebranding a franchise
  • 设计 sport tourism events
  • Build and maintain sports-related websites
  • Learn to use tools such as Canva and Adobe Spark to create media graphics
  • 参加体育管理俱乐部系列演讲——俱乐部最近邀请了来自克利夫兰骑士队的演讲者, NHL 哥伦布蓝夹克, The Ohio State University Athletic Department, the Detroit Tigers and the National Fastpitch Softball League.


  • MKT253 市场营销 Communications – 3 hours
  • 体育营销 & 促销活动- 3小时
  • MKT364 Event 市场营销 and Management – 3 hours
  • SMG335 Sport Media Technology – 3 hours

合计- 12小时

Some courses may have prerequisites. See course description for details.


This is a sample course sequence to illustrate course offerings for this major. Consult the official Academic 公告 for detailed registration and advising information.


Sports 市场营销 and Promotions (SMG235) -本课程旨在帮助学生理解体育商业的写作技巧,重点是社交和数字媒体应用,以成功的营销和推广活动. Students will gain exposure to writing, designing and editing a variety of documents used for sport sponsorship proposals, brand awareness campaigns, 粉丝忠诚度计划, 营销计划, endorsement deals and event 筹款 plans. Students will apply fundamental principles of sport blogging, meeting dead行s and web layout for the internet.

市场营销 Communications (MKT253) -本课程涉及广告和促销职能的运营和管理,包括其在营销系统中的地位以及与其他业务职能的关系.

Event 市场营销 and Management (MKT364) – Examines the practices for scheduling, 规划, 组织, promoting and supervising commercial and private events. Business 规划 is emphasized as students are familiarized with theories, terminology and logistics for 市场营销, 促销活动, 管理, decision making and analyses of customer behavior. 本课程强调核心文件的创建和实施,以呈现给潜在的投资者, 客户与员工.

平面设计(ART325) -本课程将探讨使用数字设计工具的视觉感知机制. Focus will be on the formal properties of design including space, 行, 飞机, 质量, 形状, texture and color; and the organizational fundamentals of unity, 平衡, 节奏和动作. 学生将准备和制作一系列与专业实践相关的数字设计项目. 重点将放在沟通思想所需的规划和视觉思维原则上. Problem solving on an individual and group level will be stressed.


在校园 – Offered in a 15-week semester format with a start date of January and August


Other 体育管理 program concentrations:

The global sports industry is worth up to $620 billion today. 随着增长速度超过全球GDP,该行业的长期前景似乎很强劲. Highly sought after by sports-related organizations, 博彩平台推荐体育管理专业的毕业生在体育产业的各个领域都取得了成功.

  • Assistant Athletic Director: Career Enhancement
  • Associate Director of 博彩平台推荐
  • Athlete Development/Fundraising Officer
  • 运动协调员
  • 客户服务
  • Community Relations Services
  • Director of 金融s and 事件 Team
  • 巨额礼品总监
  • 营运总监
  • Director of Premium Seating and Hospitality
  • 事件协调员
  • 风扇订婚
  • 风机服务
  • Manager of Business Development
  • 销售协调员
  • 市场营销 & 事件管理器
  • 董事成员
  • Promotions and 事件 Manager
  • Public Relations / Communications Director
  • 零售销售人员
  • 童子军服务
  • 社交媒体协调员
  • 项目管理员
  • 运动机构
  • 博彩平台推荐委员会
  • 体育权威
  • 9round健身有限责任公司
  • Amateur Athletic Union of the
  • 和erson University 博彩平台推荐 Broadcasting
  • 漂白剂的报告
  • 鲍伊湾红袜队
  • 央视体育(北京)
  • 克利夫兰监护人
  • 克利夫兰足球俱乐部
  • Colgate University 博彩平台推荐 市场营销
  • 哥伦布蓝夹克
  • 创意艺术家经纪公司
  • 邓纳姆的体育
  • JKS Incorporated Creative and 设计 (NC)
  • KingsTalent
  • 传说好客
  • 路易斯维尔重击者
  • 马里兰蓝蟹
  • Michigan State University 博彩平台推荐
  • Middlesboro Daily 新闻 Sports Department (Editor)
  • MLB Philadelphia Phillies
  • National Fastpitch Softball Association
  • 新奥尔良鹈鹕队
  • NFL匹兹堡钢人队
  • 一个冠军
  • Ottawa University Sports Information (MO)
  • Penn State University 博彩平台推荐
  • 匹兹堡钢人队
  • Snelling Hospitality (Cleveland)
  • Southern 马里兰蓝蟹
  • Southern Methodist University 博彩平台推荐
  • Virginia Tech University Athletic Development Office
  • Weber State Sports Properties
  • Yale University 博彩平台推荐





“Tiffin is a great place to call home. 我们有许多来自不同背景的学生和教授,他们关心并拥有现实世界的经验. 小班授课意味着你可以获得更多一对一的机会,帮助你建立联系,提高学习水平. Tiffin students truly love to support each other and there is a great atmosphere here.”

Made行 Schuessler-Reckler
To truly stand out, we must not feel compelled to fit in.